Detox your mind and transform your life.

Hi, I’m Emma, a Solution-Focused Mindset Coach, and qualified Therapist, and I help busy and overwhelmed people who need change, fast.

Areas that I treat include:

  • Food related issues, IBS, and weight loss

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Self confidence and imposter syndrome

  • Fears and phobias

  • Addiction and stop smoking

  • Mind and body connection

It’s a heavy world out there.

And when it feels like you’re stuck in the middle of the waves, it can be hard to come up for air, let alone know where to turn.

The mere question ‘how are you?’ can open the door to a tsunami of emotions. You want a change, but you don’t know what a change looks like, or if it’s even possible.

What if I told you that it didn’t have to be that way?

Here at Cleanse My Mind, my purpose is to help you understand why your life isn’t the way you want it to be.

Then, I give you the tools needed to move forward with joy and clarity.

Because life doesn’t have to feel hard.

Together, we can find new ways to navigate those ever changing tides.

What feels out of sync in your life?

Life can be fast, exhausting and all consuming.

It’s hard enough carving out the time to refill the fridge, let alone create space for weekly therapy sessions. And so you put it off. You tell yourself that things ‘aren’t that bad’.

But how bad is bad enough? When are you going to start prioritising your own health and happiness?

How often do you:

Go to bed reeling, staring at the ceiling for hours while your mind speeds into overdrive?

Wake up anxious and overwhelmed at 3am, only to open your laptop straight away and start working?

Feel lost and alone, as if you no longer know yourself and relive past experiences and zoom in on the negatives?

Wherever you are, let me meet you there.

You already have everything you need within you to rewrite your story.

It’s time to pick up the pen.

What others have said

‘There were lots of tears as I released suppressed emotions but once I integrated the new beliefs that Emma instilled in me, both my love life and my money situation improved significantly.

This month has been the best month ever for me financially.’

— Jan C

‘Emma was lovely and empathetic and I felt very relaxed as she helped me get to the root of why I had these food intolerances.

I've had them for decades and within ONE day there was a 95% improvement!!

— Fiona W

‘The effect is almost immediate. I am calmer with my family, more confident at work and the ever present ‘knot’ of anxiety in my stomach has gone!

Working with Emma has been a pleasure - a real professional. Great Job!’

— Lee G


Embrace a mind free from negative clutter.

My approach is based solely on the individual.

While we’re all passing through the same ocean, no two waves are ever the same.

Using a bespoke combination of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), meditation, hypnotherapy, and solution-focused mindset coaching calls, we will work through this timeline:


The Free Mini Life Audit

A 30-minute discovery call where we start to unpick the areas in your life causing discomfort, holding you back and getting in the way of your true happiness and potential.

The Deep Dive

We then move onto a more comprehensive analysis of your unique circumstances, your needs and how I can support them.

The RTT Session

Here’s where it gets exciting.

Around 75% of my clients say they feel better and more positive following our Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) session alone.

The Mindset Coaching

I offer 6 and 12-week solution-focused mindset coaching programmes. You can also book ad-hoc sessions.

After the first coaching call, 90% of my clients have been able to identify and implement changes that have immediately enhanced their overall well-being.

On average, 95% of my clients experience a profound change in 30 days.

This includes feeling more empowered and calmer with a higher self esteem and a greater sense of inner understanding.

Your life CAN feel buoyant.

Your path ahead WILL feel exciting.


Hi, I’m Emma!

I’m a Solution-Focused Mindset Coach, a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, and the founder of Cleanse My Mind.

My mission is to hand you the life jacket needed to pass through those stormy seas. To help you find that quiet place among the waves… The one where you can kick off your shoes, lean back, and bask in the warm sunshine.

Long before studying a vast range of holistic therapies and solution-focused mindset coaching, I’ve always prided myself on delivering quick but sustainable results, whatever my profession. It’s this approach that I am passionate about bringing into my coaching sessions thanks to Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT).

RTT is an innovative new hybrid therapy, it is based on science and is proven to work. It draws on the most beneficial elements of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), psychotherapy, counselling, and hypnotherapy. After experiencing RTT for myself, I was finally able to let go of the discomfort, anxiety, and pain from my past and sit firmly in the driver’s seat of my future. Under the expert training of Marisa Peer, I now guide other people through this extraordinary journey.

“Smell the sea and feel the sky, let your soul and spirit fly” - Van Morrison

Switch off your inner voice of fear and embrace positive new ways of speaking to yourself.

Get in touch for your FREE mini life audit and find out what’s holding you back from living a bulletproof life.